4th Grade Movie Night - Mighty Ducks


Friday, October 27 - come join your fellow 4th graders immediately after the 2:15pm dismissal in the cafeteria for some pizza, followed by "MIGHTY DUCKS!" on the big screen in the auditorium! Tickets are $20 per person. Parent volunteers will be chaperoning the event, but we ask that you discuss with your child appropriate behavior for a movie! Please note this movie is rated PG. Pick up at 4pm at the front of Harper. (movie is 100 minutes).

See event details below:

  • Harper Elementary Cafeteria/Auditorium
  • Friday, October 25th, 2:15pm - 4:00pm 
  • Pizza and juice/water
  • $20 per child

Grab your tickets now! Space is limited. Ticket sales will close October 23rd at 6pm.  If you click the registration button below and it doesn't work, tickets are no longer available.


Purchase Tickets 


Please stay tuned for announcements for additional movie nights for other grades.


Please contact Lauren Lopriore lauren.lopriore@gmail.com OR Kathleen McCoy kpmccoy830@gmail.com with any questions.