About the PTO

The mission of the Harper School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to provide education-related support and services to Harper faculty and staff.


Specifically, the PTO’s objectives are:

  • To provide services that will enrich enhance the educational experience for every Harper student;
  • To improve communication between Harper families, Harper School, and District 39; and
  • To provide financial and other volunteer support for the activities and needs of Harper.

The Harper PTO has bi-monthly meetings at school to hear from our principal, teacher representative, guest speakers and each other. We also discuss ways in which we can make an impact on the programs, tools and environment with which our children interact.


All parents are welcome to all General Board meetings.


The Executive Board oversees and manages the work of the PTO General Board in its pursuit of the objectives stated above.  The Board is comprised of the following individuals:  the Principal, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Room Parent Co-Chairs, the Ways and Means Co-Chairs, the Student Enrichment Co-Chairs and the Communications Chair.  These individuals are each responsible for working closely with specific PTO committees to ensure that these committees are furthering the PTO’s objectives.  The Executive Board is solely responsible for the appropriation and expenditure of funds to support PTO activities for the benefit of Harper School.


The Executive Board meets at least once a month.