Plastic Recycling Challenge


The Environmental Affairs Committee is excited to share that we will be extending the NexTrex Plastic Recycling Challenge to the full 2024-2025 school year. We are thrilled that so many families participated in the last few years and appreciate all the positive feedback and support we received to continue the challenge. On August 21, we will have 3 bins conveniently located in the front lobby for plastic and film recycling. Note: Plastic MUST be clean, dry and free of any food residue. If you have any questions, please feel free to email


What can be recycled?


  • Plastic, shipping envelopes (e.g., UPS, FEDEX and Amazon mailers)
  • Bubble wrap
  • Grocery bags (all colors)
  • Case overwrap
  • Bread bags
  • Dry cleaning bags
  • Newspaper sleeves
  • Produce bags
  • Cereal bags
  • Paper towel / toilet paper overwrap
  • Ziploc or food storage bags
  • Ice bags (DRY – without metal clips)
  • Wood pellet bags
  • Stretch film and pallet wrap
  • Furniture foam wrap